Iklan Baris Gratis ini disediakan untuk anda sebagai pemilik usaha, barang dan jasa serta berbagai peluang bisnis dan peluang usaha supaya anda bisa menunjukkan - mempromosikan produk jasa anda kepada seluruh dunia di internet dengan mudah. Iklan rumah, properti, jasa, sewa kost, domain hosting, laptop komputer, villa, kendaraan, hp bekas baru, bisnis mlm, segala jenis barang, atau tentang blog/web atau situs anda, semua bisa diiklankan disini. Rasakan 20 manfaatnya!!!
Kamis, 05 Januari 2023
| | | Dear Jotform User, You have currently reached the limits of your account.Your forms are disabled now. Upgrade your account today to continue using Jotform; receive submissions, collect payments from your users and have more upload space. Upgrading is quick and easy:
Thanks for using Jotform, | | | |
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 780, San Francisco CA 94111 |
Rabu, 04 Januari 2023
| | |  |  | | | Guest accounts are limited to 10 submissions per month. Since you've reached your limit, your forms will be disabled on Thursday, January 5 at 12 p.m. EST.
We understand that being unable to receive submissions is inconvenient, so we'd like to remind you that you can upgrade to increase your submission limit and continue using Jotform without interruption. | | | | | | *Offer does not apply to Jotform Enterprise. The 50-percent discount is a one-time offer when upgrading to an annual Bronze, Silver, or Gold plan. Plans will auto-renew at the full price one year after the discount is applied. After one year, plans can also be adjusted to the full-priced monthly plan, unless canceled. If you cancel your account within 30 days of initial payment, a full refund will be issued. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer extended until Jan 13, 2023. | | | | | |
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 780, San Francisco CA 94111 |
| | |  | Dear JotForm User, You've almost reached your plan's limit of 10 submissions per month. Your forms will automatically be disabled once you reach this limit. We understand that being unable to receive submissions is inconvenient, so we'd like to remind you that you can upgrade your account to increase your submission limit and continue using Jotform without interruption — as well as get access to more payment submissions, storage, and powerful form features. | | | *Offer does not apply to Jotform Enterprise. The 50-percent discount is a one-time offer when upgrading to an annual Bronze, Silver, or Gold plan. Plans will auto-renew at the full price one year after the discount is applied. After one year, plans can also be adjusted to the full-priced monthly plan, unless canceled. If you cancel your account within 30 days of initial payment, a full refund will be issued. Cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires December 31,2022. | | | | | |
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 780, San Francisco CA 94111 |
Jumat, 20 Mei 2022
| | | Dear Jotform User, You have currently reached the limits of your account.Your forms are disabled now. Upgrade your account today to continue using Jotform; receive submissions, collect payments from your users and have more upload space. Upgrading is quick and easy:
Thanks for using Jotform, | | | |
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 780, San Francisco CA 94111 |
Rabu, 18 Mei 2022
| | | It seems like you have reached your submissions limit. Guest accounts are limited to 10 submissions / month. Your forms will be disabled on Friday at 12pm EST. Since we understand that it can be an inconvenience to have your forms stop working because you reached your submissions limit, we'd like to remind you that you can upgrade and your forms will be running smoothly again. | | | | | | |
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 780, San Francisco CA 94111 |
| | |  | Dear JotForm User,
We would like to inform you that your Jotform account has almost reached 10 submissions per month this month. Guest accounts are limited to 10 submissions per month. Your forms will be automatically disabled once you reach your allocated quota.
Upgrade your account today to continue using Jotform without any interruption: receive submissions, collect payments from your users and have more upload space. Upgrading is quick and easy:
| Thanks for using Jotform, | | | |
4 Embarcadero Center, Suite 780, San Francisco CA 94111 |
Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2021
If it wasn't you, please login to your account and change your password.
| Security Alert We noticed an unusual login to your JotForm account. | |
Your JotForm account was logged into from United States of America, at 2021-08-07 23:29:20(UTC+0) with the following IP address: We sent this email to make sure it was you. | |
If it wasn't you, please login to your account and change your password. | |
If you cannot access your account, please contact support. | |
| JotForm Inc. 111 Pine St. Suite 1815, San Francisco, CA 94111 | Recieving this since you have a JotForm account: guest_32743461616050. No longer want to receive emails from JotForm? | | | |